You will find further material on the topic of female genital cutting in the database. New materials are continually being added to the collection; your suggestions would be welcome:
The e-learning for professionals provides information and concrete recommendations on how to deal with the issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The original e-learning of the Wiener Programm für Frauengesundheit was adopted and adapted to Swiss conditions. The e-learning is available in German and French.
The e-learning for professionals provides information and concrete recommendations on how to deal with the issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). The original e-learning of the Wiener Programm für Frauengesundheit was adopted and adapted to Swiss conditions. The e-learning is available in German and French.
Diese Empfehlungen möchten Gesundheitsfachpersonen zum Thema weibliche Genitalbeschneidung sensibilisieren und praktische Unterstützung für den klinischen Alltag bieten. Sie wurden erarbeitet, um die Guideline «Patientinnen mit genitaler Beschneidung: Schweizerische Empfehlung für Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Hebammen und Pflegefachkräfte» der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe SGGG von 2005 zu aktualisieren. Die Empfehlungen sind auf Deutsch und Französisch verfügbar. Kontakt:
Ces recommandations visent à sensibiliser les professionnel. le.s de la santé à la thématique de l’excision/mutilation génitale féminine et apporter une assistance pratique pour leur travail au quotidien. Elles ont été développées dans l’intention de mettre à jour les Guidelines « Mutilations génitales féminines : recommandations suisses à l’intention des professionnels de la santé » de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique SSGO / gynécologie suisse de 2005. Les recommandations sont disponibles en français et en allemand. Contact :
FGM/C ist ein Thema, mit dem sich auch Fachpersonen aus dem Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz konfrontiert sehen. Dieser in Zusammenarbeit mit der Konferenz für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz (KOKES) erstellte Flyer soll zu FGM/C sensibilisieren.
Annual report 2021 of the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland. Versions available in German, French and Italian.
The international day against female genitale mutilation is on the 6th of February. We fight together to stop this practice and support all the girls and women who are affected by it. It is time to take a stand. The video exists in the following languages: Arabic, Englisch, Farsi, Somali, Swahili.
In partnership with the Belgian Federal Public Service for Public Health (FPS Public Health) and the Free University of Brussels (ULB), GAMS Belgium has released an informative video translated into 9 languages to inform and reassure individuals living with Type III Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also known as infibulation, about deinfibulation.
Artikel über Bestrebungen zur Prävention von weiblicher Genitalbeschneidung im Kanton Solothurn.
This report highlights the global nature of FGM/C, shedding light on the available data on the practice of FGM/C in over 90 countries across the globe. The report also provides information on the legal status of FGM/C in those countries.
The publication deals with 13 myths and aims to address the preconceived ideas andstereotypes about “victims and perpetrators” of FGM.
The guide aims to be a practical support for those appointed to the task of estimating the risk of FGM in a region or a country within the EU.
This article investigates how both the similarities and differences between female circumcision and female genital cosmetic surgery are suggested through images. A visual framing analysis of 278 photographs, published in Swiss newspapers between 1983 and 2015, reveals that three major visual themes—procedure, instrument and people—can be found in both female circumcision and female genital cosmetic surgery, whereas a fourth one—protest—recurs only in depictions of female circumcision. (Published in: Feminist Media Studies).
Dr. Jasmine Abdulcadir opened the first outpatient clinic for women and girls who have undergone Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Geneva. Reconstruction is not always the solution to this traumatic experience. Dr. Jasmine Abdulcadir’s first objective is to debunk myths, taboos and misconceptions around female sexuality, which can empower women in making informed decisions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Our research captures the impact of migration on FGM in the European Union and gives essential insights into the factors motivating or discouraging the practice. While we might observe changes in attitudes and differences in the types of FGM performed, the underlying cause, rooted in gender inequality, too often remains deeply embedded in societies.
Annual report of the Network against female genital mutilation Switzerland. Available in German, French and Italian.
The Training Manual on Gender and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is a comprehensive tool that field facilitators can use to approach Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) from a gender perspective in order to increase participants’ understanding of FGM/C as a harmful practice and a form of violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Annual report of the Network against female genital mutilation Switzerland. Available in German, French and Italian.
This guideline provides key recommendations for health professionals. It is grouped into four main areas: deinfibulation; mental health; female sexual health; and information and education. It also warns against the “medicalization” of FGM, that is, when health providers themselves perform female genital mutilation.
Brochure with important facts and figures. UNICEF data work on FGM/C.
Through this position paper, the End FGM European Network sets out its approach to language in the global movement to End FGM. [T]erminology, narratives and discourse are crucial tools to convey messages that contribute to raising awareness, to women’s, girls’ and communities’ empowerment and to their ability to speak out against the harmful practice of FGM, [...].
This study develops a comparative overview of recent FGM(Female Genital Mutilation) court cases within the EU, as well as an exploratory survey of transnational movements in relation to FGM.
Developed within the CHANGE project and co-funded by the European Union under the Daphne Programme.
MGF - Quelles prises en charge dans le canton de Vaud? Manuel à l'attention des professioinnel.le.s.
Guide à l’usage des professionnel-le-s. Ce manuel contient des informations et des conseils pratiques pour le conseil aux migrantEs. Il donne des indications comment l’accès aux prestations des centres de santé sexuelle peut être facilité pour cette population et où trouver de la documentation multilingue. Pour les membres de SANTE SEXUELLE Suisse. Gratuit.
Für betroffene Gemeinschaften.
Manuel d'information et de réflexion sur les mutilations génitales féminines : approches, enjeux et recommandations à l'intention des professionnels en Suisse.